
Showing posts from February, 2023


        We read a story about a veteran in Vietnam and he was talking about how he killed someone.  Then we were asked if it ´ s  okay to kill people or is it not what I was in between because people react to emotions. When you kill someone you get PTSD in return so it´s not really worth it. Afterwards I  had to get information from the story to back up the  information.  

Workplace Health

 While working on the project I notice that companies just want a reason to fire you. That´s why they have random drug tests every now but it seems like it gets into your personal life. What ´ s wrong with someone smoking if they're not doing illegal things.  

Health Condition

  We read an passage about health and learned that people are getting fired for having bad health habits like doing drugs or drinking alcohol on the daily. Like if you had a class to quit smoking you don ´ t want the teacher smoking everyday. Doctors who drink and smoke everyday should not be doctors but if you work at a fast food place they should not judge you because they sell unhealthy food.

Specify text starter

  we took notes about how to added information or starers to back up your information. We than wrote down a few examples and read a article about Teen video game addiction. We had to answer a multiple choice and sum up the article. We than wrote a short essay about the article 

Black owned Business

 What we did on Wednesday was present our Black Owned Companies project. Afterwords we watch a video and had to fill out a paper that had questions about the video. We had to put vocabulary words we never heard or used before.

Book work

What we did today was write sentences for 15 words in the textbook that had to answer 1 and 3 and submit the assignment at the end of class. What I learned was if you do everything your supposed to do you won´t have to worry about extra work.

Narrative Eassy

 We learned how to write a narrative essay and what to include to make it a strong essay. The essay was about a 8 year old boy who was called the ¨N¨ word by a white boy. I than had to write how out how I would react in the little boy prospective.

Black owned businesses project

 We started on a project about black owned businesses in Atlanta. We had to include the location/address, the phone number of the establishment and what they produce or sell. The assignment has to be turned in by Friday.

Goals Poem

 What we did was write a poem about our dream/goal. We had to also write how we were gonna achieve that goal. My goal was to move out of Atlanta and I said how I would achieve it and said why I wanted to leave Atlanta.

Black Owned Buissneses

We work on the businesses project today because Mr. Rease was not here. What I learned is Atlanta is manly filled with black owned companies. All of them manly get good reviews and get recommend by multiple races.

Practice test

 What we did on Friday was take a practice test that suppose to be like the Georgia Mile Stones and had to write multiple constructive response.

Emily Dickinson

  In a class on Thursday, we did the thing to answer a number of questions posed by Emily Dickinson and we had to identify the topic of the poem and analyze it and tell what the theme of the poem was.

Quote questions

 In a class on Wednesday, we were asked to answer a number of questions posed by Emily Dickinson,  her poem had a deeper meaning than I had anticipated. We than had to identify the topic of the poem and analyze it and tell what the theme of the poem was.


As a group, we participated in exercises 1 and 3 on Tuesday. As part of the first exercise, we had to use vocabulary words such as Bombastic, Bovine, Carpal, Cajoled, etc., as well as other vocabulary words as well. In exercise 3, there was a multiple choice question that asked you to describe the vocabulary words as best as you could.

Argumentative constructive response

 Our task on Monday was to form a constructive argumentative response based on the people's point of view on a certain topic, such as whether money or an object can change a person, or if a skill can change a person.

Emily Dickinson

 I learned that Emily Dickinson wrestled with mental illness in their adult lives. There are indications that both suffered from major depression, bipolar disorder, and seasonal affective disorder. She involves her depression in her poems.

Heart, we will forget him!

 The poem "Heart, we will forget him!" Is about the speaker who met someone they really care for and love. But they're trying to disparately about the person. But the things that were meaningful are the hardest to forget. The theme is relationships, emotions are pain, and sadness .

I felt a funeral in my brain

 This poem is about how the speaker is losing her mind and can only describe it as a funeral. It talks about the speaker descent into madness. They also experience the horror of going insane/crazy. The theme is a mental and emotional state of suffering and death.